Thursday, August 27, 2015

Print Ad - Dove White Beauty Bar

Company: Unilever

Product: Dove White Beauty Bar

Product Description

Dove is designed for helping women to reveal their white and glowing skin and to release their own personal beauty by engaging them with the products that deliver real care.


This advertisement is effective because it says that you can have a brighter skin for just 7 days. People are so attracted to this advertisement because on our generation nowadays, people are so obsess to have the things they want for an instant. That’s why this advertisement affect the buying decision of people. Imagine, you will get the skin you wish to have for just a short period of time.

This advertisement also say that “Hey! I’m dove, just use me and your dreams will come true” I’m not saying that this is the exact message of advertisement but it encourages people to avail it. It also uses beautiful model to prove that it was so effective. On my own experience, just like other people I also want to have white skin because before, I think that having a white skin define the real beauty that’s why I use Dove because of it says that use it for just 7 days for having white and brighter skin and I believe it because of the appearance of the model with flawless skin.

Advertising Technique

The advertising technique of this commercial was transfer or emotional because of the expectation of people to have white skin. When people saw this advertisement they will feel happy because they will think that “finally ! The solution is here”. It can also be sex appeal because of the usage of beautiful model which represent as a product after using dove.

Target Market

The target market of this advertisement are all people who have an interest to have white and brighter skin especially the women. Because as we may notice, women are to conscious with their physical appearance especially with their skin. And all of the model use on the advertisement was women. 

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