Friday, September 11, 2015

Tide powder

Company: Procter & Gamble Inc.,
Duration: 45 seconds
Product: Tide powder

Commercial Story:

This commercial was endorse by Bossing Vic Sotto At the beginning of the commercial it features the dirty shirt of the kid due to the activity on the sports fest and suddenly Vic Sotto came and ask the mother of the child if who is the bossing in whitening the shirt (he pertaining to the brand of detergent) and the mother said that everyone of it has the power to whiten the shirts but bossing said that in tide, it is whitier. As the proof he uses two sample. He ask two kids to wear white shirts and let them play on the mud and after, they wash it on brand X while the other one is wash by tide. And the result was both of the detergent has the power to remove the stain but the shirt wash by tide is whitier. And at the end Vic Sotto said that tide is “Bossing sa kaputian” for just 5 pesos.

Advertising Techniques:

Competitive: Tide was compared by brand X as a proof that it is much better among the other brand.

Testimonial:  Because it was endorse by a famous celebrity named Vic Sotto. And he serve as a witness of how tide can whitens our shirts.

Quality of a Good Advertisement

Attracts Attention: What attracts viewers attention is when Vic Sotto ask the mother if who is bossing in whitening then it live a question to the mind of the viewers.
Arouses Interest: What attracts their interest is their curiosity to answer the question on their mind that can lead the viewers to watch the commercial.
Creates Desire: What creates their desire is when they have the better understanding about the power of tide to whiten our shirts and it is better than the other detergent.
Causes Action: What causes action to the viewers is when bossing said the price of the product which is 5 pesos only. By that it tells the viewers that tide is highly affordable.

Target Market

The target market of tide is the mother because they have the responsibility to wash our clothes. Aside from that they want to avail the products that is more affordable and effective because they are the one who manage the budget of the family. They don’t want to waste money for a useless brand and as we can see on the commercial, bossing ask the mother of the kid meaning that it is the main target of the commercial or product.

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